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Purpose now email book

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& Change Your Life.

It’s a Wall Street Journal best seller that offers a proven path to translating your purpose into communities that need to exist in the world.


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Mighty Encyclopedia

Community App

What is a community app?

A community app is a mobile application that lets you host an interactive virtual community. A good community app gives users the ability to engage with discussions, comment and like posts, and share and watch videos. It should be available to users on whatever device they have, whether it’s iOS or Android, phone or tablet. In short, it needs to give Hosts the ability to create powerful community experiences for their members that reach them where they’re at.

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On Mighty Networks, we’ve gone even further with our community app, letting you build a community that includes flexible spaces where you can live stream to your members, create and teach engaging virtual courses, host events, and even white-label with your own branding!

If you want a community app under your brand in the App Store or Google Play Store, schedule a call with us and we'll show you how!

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Now Read: Why You Should Build Your Own Community App