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Purpose now email book

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Be a part of something worth building

Mighty Networks is ushering in a new era of creative businesses built on community.

Our mission is our motivation

We’re tackling hard technology problems and an even trickier set of user experience challenges to unlock the opportunity for “creators with a purpose” to build thriving communities they can charge for.

Our Agreements

We believe in making and upholding agreements between you, your peers, your manager, your squad, and the company.

We are each responsible as individuals for communicating what we need to do our best work with our managers, peers, and squads.

We choose rapid, open, and two-way communication to make the best, most well-informed decisions.

We expect people to take bets, learning from both successes and those decisions that don’t work out.

We respect ideas, not status. We take the best ideas from each other to raise the quality of our collective decision making.

We seek to build our platform to a level of quality that people can trust with their livelihoods, while still moving quickly to innovate.

We embrace change through a process of observing, orienting, deciding, and acting – repeating this loop over and over again (it’s called the OODA loop).

We look to individuals to make decisions with input and ideas from their teams, squads, and peers (a decision maker is the directly responsible individual, or DRI).

Through these agreements, we seek to win with honor and fun as a team.

Vishnu Narang - Server Team Manager

"Mighty Networks is special. I've followed my curiosity, tackled challenging technical projects, and contributed to the company's growth every day. I've grown immensely in a short time, and now I'm leading a key engineering team. We're teaching, learning, and building together."

Vishnu Narang

Server Team Manager

We’re not just looking for culture fit, we’re looking for culture adds

For us to get smarter and stronger as a team, we don’t want people who simply fit our culture, we want people who add to it. Your unique background, perspective, and experience are critical to our success. We’re here for it.

Audra Lindsey - Community Designer

“I never thought I’d stay at a company for eight years, but Mighty Networks is different. Our mission is important, our customers are amazing, and this team is positive, supportive, and most of all–fun.”

Audra Lindsey

Community Designer

Be a part of something worth building

We’re not looking for a culture fit, we’re looking for a culture add.

Learn More About Mighty