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Mighty Encyclopedia

Digital Business Owner

Digital Business Owner

A digital business owner is someone who owns an enterprise whose products and services are created or sold using digital technology. When we think about podcasters, content creators, influencers, bloggers, and online community leaders–those are digital business owners. We could also think about people who own SaaS companies or run digital agencies (e.g. marketing or graphic designers).

Since there are more and more ways to do digital business, with new ones being added all the time (AI consultant anyone?), a digital business is a great space to be in!

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Advantages to being a digital business owner

  • Scale: Digital businesses are often able to scale in a way that physical businesses can’t–it’s no coincidence that some of the most valuable companies have WAY less overhead than their non-digital counterparts (think Google or Meta).

  • Accessibility: Digital businesses have unprecedented access to their customers–from when they roll out of bed in the morning to when they fall into it at night. Most of us have digital products in our hands all day.

  • Simplicity: We sort of hinted at it above, but digital businesses can often become profitable with very few employees.

  • Flexibility: Digital businesses can usually be run from anywhere in the world, and it’s no coincidence that digital nomads have become more prominent as digital business has grown.

  • Repeat business: A lot of digital businesses are subscription-based–think about a SaaS company you pay every month or a membership platform you join. This creates recurring revenue which is really profitable.

Ready to start your digital business?

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