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Mighty Encyclopedia

Online Community Building

What is online community building?

Online community building is the process of bringing together a group of people on an online community platform and helping them to build relationships with you and with each other. For a brand or company, online community building might mean creating a group for customers or users to go deeper into using your product or service. For others, online community building could revolve around dedication to a hobby, learning a new skill, or–as we like to say–mastering something interesting together.

Whatever your purpose for online community building, the process of learning to establish and effectively run one is so rewarding! And we’ve built an amazing platform here on Mighty Networks to help you launch a thriving community.

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Benefits of online community building

There are so many benefits of online community building, whether you’re a company that will see a boost to your bottom line, a creator who will monetize your work, or a passionate leader who wants to form a community to get something important done. If you create and/or sell things, a community helps your customers come together, meet each other, and learn from each other and from you. If you’re a business, online community building can help you provide a great customer experience, give you instant feedback on your products, and even spark new ideas for products or services.

The reality is, we humans love community. It’s in our DNA. For most of human history, we’ve built communities with the people immediately around us. But the internet allows us to form those same meaningful relationships with people around the world, even if they come from very different backgrounds than we do.

Examples of online community-building activities

  • Building amazing spaces and customizing them to fit your members.

  • Creating a cohort-based course to help educate your users and get to know them

  • Doing a live stream with an exciting announcement

  • Hosting a Q&A with a well-known, industry expert

  • Running an online poll on a topic your members care about

Now Read: 11 Types of Online Communities That Thrive