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Why Ashok Gupta chose Mighty Pro for the next era of his successful holistic health program

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The Gupta Program is a paid community that brings together people struggling with chronic conditions to learn how to retrain their brains. They offer in-depth training as well as daily accountability and support.


Health & Wellness


Mighty Pro


Paid Membership



“We have had a 20-30% increase in people registering since we moved to the app. That's a testament to the simplicity of the process with Mighty Pro.”

Ashok Gupta

Ashok Gupta

Founder & CEO

Developed by Ashok Gupta, his evidence-based holistic health system focuses on neuroplasticity as a tool for managing chronic conditions like Long Covid, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme disease, anxiety, and more. With his research into the brain’s adaptability and power to rewire itself, Ashok guides members through exercises and courses for “brain retraining” with the goal of healing their illness.


Anyone living with a chronic condition can join The Gupta Program, but most members have transitioned to a new place in their journey where they want to try a different approach to treating their symptoms or pain. “They've tried diet changes, supplements, the typical things we might do but still haven't seen sustained improvement,” Ashok explains. “They are also committed and motivated. They are somebody who wants to empower themselves to heal instead of relying on some pill to do that for them.”

After years of suffering from intense fatigue and inexplicable symptoms, Ashok Gupta made a deal with the universe. If he could find a way to feel better, even 50 percent better, he would dedicate the rest of his life to helping others with the same dilemma. He did, and with his network focused on his unique approach to holistic healing, The Gupta Program, he has.

Even in 2024, when it comes to treating chronic conditions like Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, and Long Covid, answers remain hard to find. When Ashok was diagnosed with ME, also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, more than 25 years ago as a student at Cambridge University, there were even fewer solutions to try. He started a lifelong study of neurology to find a solution for his own debilitating illness, which would hopefully be one he could share with others. After years of research and breakthroughs, he designed The Gupta Program. The program hinges on the concept of neuroplasticity — a term that might sound intimidating at first. But Ashok explains it simply as our brain’s innate power to adapt, and within that capacity, there is a promise that we can “retrain our brain” to recover from an illness.

What makes Ashok’s program unique is that they have now published 4 randomized controlled studies, and two clinical audits, all showing that the treatment is effective.

“Neuroplasticity is this idea that our brain is flexible. It's changeable,” he says. “We used to think that between the ages of 10 to 15 our emotional habits or physiology were fixed, and we couldn’t really change them. But neuroplasticity tells us that our brain is constantly rewiring itself, constantly changing.”

Ashok started The Gupta Program in 2007 with a DVD series and eventually transitioned to an online model using social media. When he and his team hired a company to create a membership website and companion app, the technology couldn’t support the customized vision they wanted to offer. “We ended up wasting a year on that, and a lot of money invested in it, too,” Ashok says. He was concerned about a repeat episode when he considered using Mighty Networks for the program’s next chapter, but once they started to use the platform, it quickly put his mind at ease.

“When people are very physically ill, they don't have much energy. They don't have long concentration spans.” Ashok says. “The idea that a patient could just simply press a button on an app and quickly start listening to exercises, meditations, breath work, and brain retraining exercises without having to log in, that was our impetus to choose Mighty Networks.”

Aside from its plug-and-play capabilities, Mighty Networks’ Welcome Checklist feature gave Gupta a way to outline what could feel like an overwhelming amount of information into an easy-to-understand roadmap.

“Patients really appreciate that because they don’t have to think too much about all the parts of the program,” Ashok says. “The fact that they can just follow this checklist and step-by-step check things off the list makes it so much easier.”

Ashok designed The Gupta Program as a yearly $499 membership with self-directed coursework and audio exercises. The core program takes six months to complete, but afterward, members can keep conversations in the community going and participate in exercises, coaching sessions, or webinars a la carte. Understanding that people with chronic conditions might be skeptical of paying for a method they haven’t experienced before, he also built in a 28-day free trial as his initial offer. This gives members a chance to join the Daily Guptasicze, a live event that has become the central element for the program’s success on Mighty Networks.

“These are daily Zoom calls that we have with our clinicians. We have 40 trained coaches around the world who lead their call and take our patients through their exercises for the day,” he says. “That has been a game changer for hundreds of our patients. They say this is giving them commitment, this is giving them community.”

Ashok has learned just as much from his members about ways to improve the program. Through surveys, focus groups, and discussions, the community has given him invaluable feedback, making this era of The Gupta Program its best one yet.

“When we are in a group together, and we are healing together, that group intention is so much more powerful and people have those deeper experiences.”

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