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Personal Branding

What is personal branding?

Personal branding is the way a creator consciously and intentionally promotes themselves or their business through their own website, social media channels, and beyond. Although personal branding certainly encompasses your unique look and feel, it’s a bit different from a public persona: Personal branding covers who you are, what you do, and why you do what you do.

In other words, personal branding goes beyond perfectly-lit pictures on Instagram or lively posts on a personal blog. A good personal brand is the sweet spot where a person or businesses’ purpose and identity intersects with their broader work to bring their audience or followers added value.

In that vein, personal branding is critical for growing any business in the passion economy. Why? Because a strong personal brand has the power to attract and engage the audience you need to grow your business, deliver results and transformation, and ultimately bring a greater impact to their lives.

What does it mean to have a personal brand?

Having a personal brand gives freelancers, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and creators the ability to establish credibility. If, for example, you’re the CEO of your company, consider a personal brand the lobby of headquarters: It’s the first impression your followers and potential collaborators get, and it sets the tone for what’s actually inside your brand.

Why is personal branding important?

Personal branding is important because a personal brand is a creator’s unique selling point. Think of it as an opportunity to clearly show what makes a creator or business stand out from people and companies that are doing something similar.

A creator or community leader with a winning personal brand is often compared to a magnet: They’ll have the ability to attract and excite people who share the same motivations and passions, and want to master something interesting together. In turn, the audience or followers they bring together can be the start they need to scale their business or build an online community.

Because anyone who produces content is revealing a little bit of themselves to their audience, being keenly aware of your own personal branding is critical. By taking active control of the way you present yourself and your work, you shape how people view you and what you have to offer.

Benefits of personal branding

The main benefit of personal branding is visibility. It’s one of the first big steps in how people connect the work you do with who you are.

This in turn is critical for building a brand, online community, or membership that people are excited about and want to come back to. Because savvy personal branding establishes credibility and promotes a certain reputation for you and your work, a strong personal brand also opens the doors for collaborations with complementary creators or community leaders who share similar interests, goals, and motivations.

Now Read: How to Build a Community Around Your Brand