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What is a content management system?
A content management system (known more frequently as a CMS) is the backend software that manages content published on a website or community platform. That includes the resources, articles, and posts you read in your go-to online community, or the fancy bag you’re eyeing in your favorite e-commerce shop.
What is a content management system used for?
In basic terms, a content management system is where content is created, edited, scheduled, and deployed. And while CMS is sometimes used interchangeably with “website builder,” there are a few key differences.
Basically, it comes down to this: A CMS focuses exclusively on one type of content production (think blogs and articles, or shoppable images). A website builder, on the other hand, is used to create a website (which you might then use a CMS with).
Examples of content management systems
Below are three different examples of popular content management systems.
Content management system example #1: WordPress
One of the most popular CMSs out there, WordPress was originally designed for blogs. But today, WordPress is so prominent that it now powers one-third of the world’s websites.
As a CMS, it’s great for sites focused on delivering content, since it allows creators to put their site behind a paywall. WordPress also gives you plenty of options as far as customizing your site’s looks and features go. But to get a streamlined aesthetic and user experience, it’s often best to hire a developer to execute your vision (and developers don’t exactly come cheap).
That goes for building more niche offerings, too: Without the right plug-ins and add-ons, WordPress doesn’t offer many organic ways to connect people. For creators looking for a home for their community, memberships, or subscriptions, that means it can be super complicated to use the platform as a way to launch, well, any of those.
Content management system example #2: Magento
Magento, a CMS for e-commerce, helps businesses create shoppable websites with features like drag-and-drop page builders, merchandising, customer segmentation, and more. It also has capabilities like instant purchase, product recommendations to help conversion rates, and other tools to help creators achieve their business goals.
But if you’re looking to build in a relationship with your customers, or expand from e-commerce, there aren’t a lot of options to do so: there’s just no way for sellers or buyers to build meaningful relationships—neither with each other or amongst themselves.
Content management system example #3: Mighty Networks
Mighty Networks’ community software platform isn’t just built for content. It’s built around connecting people around mastering something interesting. In that way, Mighty Networks is much more than just a content management system, or just a website builder: it’s a home for communities, memberships, online courses, and more.
Overall, that means it’s a huge value add to your standard content site. Members tend to be interested most not in the actual content but in building relationships with each other, and connecting with people who share their goals, ideas, and aspirations. And in the end, having features that easily connect members keeps them engaged around the community (and gets them closer to their own goals, too).
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