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"We Made $30,000 Right Away After Launching on Mighty Pro"

"We Made $30,000 Right Away After Launching on Mighty Pro"

Launched October 2020

1000+ Members

Paid Membership

The Self Care Space is a holistic therapy program, a community, and a support system, all bundled together into a private paid membership and branded apps.

The Spark: Their vision was to make mental health resources affordable for young women with a supportive community, direct access to therapists, psychologists, and healers, and weekly events with live group coaching.

Megan and Katrina's Mighty Moment: "We made $30,000 soon after launching on Mighty Pro. 800 members joined on the first day, which helped us to keep building and expanding what we offer.”

Holistic health experts and influencers Megan Sherer and Katrina Wright wanted to create an affordable self-guided therapy platform for women.

To reach their demographic of women in their mid-to-late twenties, they knew they needed a branded app.

With the help of Mighty Pro, they built branded iOS and Android apps for their community. And through using Mighty’s cultural software, they were able to help members build a habit around the community and feel comfortable enough to share their mental health journeys in a safe, dedicated space.

Hero App & Desktop

The Self Care Space launched on Mighty Pro and quickly saw the benefits of having their own private membership community and branded apps.

  • Made $30,000 right away with a successful app launch

  • Created a unique and branded space for their members

  • Reduced the complexity of managing a team of app developers

“Mighty Pro saved us the headache of building our own branded app. We don’t need to manage a whole team of engineers or worry about updating our app. Being that this is a startup and we both also run other businesses as well, it's helpful to reduce that time investment where we can.”

The journey to Mighty Pro

Megan Sherer’s vision was to offer a supportive community, online courses, and affordable access to live events with healers, therapists, psychologists, and other practitioners.

She partnered with Katrina Wright, an influencer with +840K followers on Instagram and a successful fitness membership business called The Sculpt You with 10K monthly members and 118K Instagram followers.

Next, they began researching how to launch their own app and private community.

“Mental health is a sensitive topic,” says Megan. “For members to feel comfortable, we knew it would need to be a dedicated space. We also wanted it to have a social feed that felt more intimate, along with courses and live events. Those were the elements we started to think about building ourselves with our own apps.”

After researching different options and exploring the idea of building an app from scratch, they discovered Mighty Pro.

Why Mighty Pro?

Mighty Pro helped them quickly launch branded, white-labeled iOS and Android apps, without the time and complexity it takes to build from scratch.

“Having branded apps is really, really important to us. It’s the main reason why our members feel safe and comfortable sharing mental health information. The apps provide a dedicated space where they can feel safe sharing what they are going through."

The apps have also helped with member retention and adoption. “80% of our members access The Self Care Space from our mobile apps, instead of the desktop experience,” says Megan.

“We made $30,000 soon after launching on Mighty Pro”

Once Megan and Katrina found a platform where they could build their membership community, they started to craft a launch strategy. Megan began teasing the new program to Katrina’s large fitness audience, offering mental health workshops and resources.

The Self Care Space 4

Demand was immediate. Within the first week after announcing the new brand, the Instagram account for The Self Care Space grew to 17K followers. It has since grown to 49K followers. Their waitlist also swelled, with 6,000 people signing up for access to The Self Care Space before the official launch.

“We made $30,000 soon after launching on Mighty Pro. It was a very strong launch. 800 members joined on the first day, which helped us to keep building and expanding what we offer.”

Events, courses, and in-the-moment support

The Self Care Space customized the courses functionality of Mighty Pro to create a structured self-guided therapy program, with new members having a program to work through each month.

The Self Care Space 1

The program also supports members needing in-the-moment support with emergency toolboxes. For members who need more support, they can book sessions with therapists directly.

Popular live events include monthly sound baths, where a healer uses crystal bowls to soothe anxiety and depression, lectures and group coaching sessions, and interactive workshops.

The Self Care Space 2

“Our platform has a lot of self-guided content. So during the live events, we really try to encourage more community engagement, attendance, and participation—all with the goal of building that sense of community and connection,” says Megan.

Megan and Katrina also use the app to stay on top of the community feed, making sure that members are getting the support they need.

"I'm able to check my app throughout the day for notifications. I know that Katrina also primarily uses the app to access the community. Because mental health is such a sensitive topic, it's good for us to stay on top of the community feed, to see what people are posting about. Sometimes there might be somebody who's in need of support immediately and we need to be able to respond to them quickly."

Helping more women heal

With a successful launch and beautifully branded apps now live in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, Megan and Katrina are now focused on growing their membership.

“Our number one focus is driving our membership numbers higher, so we can have more of a budget to work with. We also want to take the member experience to an even greater level by bringing in new experts and offering more therapy and more resources to a bigger audience."

Megan and Katrina have exceptional expertise with Instagram. They use the channel to offer short videos, mindfulness moments, and educational content, helping more young women discover The Self Care Space and sign up for a membership.

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They recently expanded their SEO strategy, creating content around common mental health hurdles such as dealing with panic attacks or getting over difficult breakups. And they’re launching ecommerce products to boost revenue, featuring journals and mental wellness products.

Member retention is also a key priority for The Self Care Space, as the longer members stick around, the bigger health benefits they realize.

“It’s so rewarding to see changes occur once members have gotten to some of the deeper layers in our programs,” says Megan.

The Self Care Space 3

“Members who show up consistently and put in the work and really commit to being part of the community—they are the ones who experience powerful life transformations. I want to figure out how to make sure that as many people as possible are sticking around and really getting the most benefit out of what we have to offer.”

Ready to grow with Mighty Pro?

With Mighty Pro, you can bring your brand’s community, content, events & conferences, videos & live streaming, online courses, memberships, and payments together into beautifully branded native apps that you own and control.

Book a call with us and we’ll share more case studies to show you how other successful creators, brands, and organizations are using Mighty Pro.

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