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App Name Generator

Our AI engine is here to help you create an app name that feels like magic. Just share a few words about who your app is for and what you offer them and we’ll get to work.

The names generated by Mighty Co-Host™ are examples only and may be used by other businesses or subject to third-party rights. For more information, check our Terms.

How this App Name Generator works…

If you're getting started building an app, finding a name is half the battle. This App Name Generator is powered by Chat GPT-4 and it can create unique app name ideas.

Type a prompt or even a few words into the box below and we’ll get started!

What to look for in a App Name Generator

When you're setting out to choose an app name, it can be difficult to find something that fits your brand and is available.

This generator will help. So as you go through some possibilities for an app name, here's a checklist of things to keep in mind.

  • Is it already in use? Check the App Store on Google Play store to make sure there's nobody already using it.

  • Is the domain name available? You don't necessarily need a dot-com domain name, but have a look to make sure you can find one that works for you.

  • Are the relevant social handles open? If you want to talk about your app on social media, make sure you can get an appropriate handle on the platforms you care about.

  • Can you register the business? You may need to check business and trademark registries to make sure the name doesn't conflict with something that already exists.

  • Is the name memorable? You want a name that sticks in people's heads and is easy to search and share.

  • Is the name brandable? Can you build a great brand around it that fits the app you have in mind?

  • Does the name hint at what you do? But names that imply what a company does often do really well. Think Calendly or Shopify.

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Can we help you build?

If you're looking for a company to build you a beautiful, responsive app, come build with Mighty!

Mighty Pro can build you a powerful community, course, and events app, that lives under your brand in the App Store and Google Play store.

When you build with us, you also get access to the Mighty Pro team; these are Account Executives and Community Strategists with experience scaling 7-figure brands and 8+ figure subscription businesses.

We've built apps for Tony Robbins, Mel Robbins, Jim Kwik, TED, MindBody, Christy “Code Red” Nickel, and Sadie Robertson Huff.

Let us show you what you we could build together!

Learn more about Mighty Pro

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App name ideas

  • Fit Friend

  • Empowerment Coaching Group

  • Gym Guru

  • Chirp Chat

  • FriendFeed

  • TaxEase

  • Pocket Profits

  • Harmony Life Coaching

  • Sweat Squad

  • Prosperity Planner

  • Buzz Connect

  • Fit Companion

  • Your Next Step Life Coaching

  • Wave Network

  • Jogger's Junction

  • Workout Warrior

  • Radiant Life Coaching

  • TaxSavvy

  • PrepPro

  • QuickTax

  • Health Hero

  • Hive Mind

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It’s fast and free to create a community with Mighty Co-Host™

Just tell us who you want to bring together and we’ll tap ChatGPT-4 to bring you the community of your dreams in minutes.

Who do you want to bring together?

Tell us who you want to bring together and we’ll get started with your new community name suggestions and more.

Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.