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"We Sold Out Our First High-Ticket Course, Community, & Coaching Program in 72 Hours."

Visit Journey of Intrinsic Health Community

The Journey of Intrinsic Health is an eight-week program that invites members to transform the way they think about health. This awe-inspiring experience is built around the protocols and philosophy of Zach Bush, MD. It includes his flagship course, a supportive community, the option of personalized 1:1 or group coaching, and livestreaming events.


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    Zach Bush MD is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology, and hospice care. He founded Seraphic Group and the non-profit Farmer’s Footprint to develop root-cause solutions for human and ecological health.

    Before Mighty Pro, Zach had already had massive success with his free Global Health Education webinars which garnered thousands of viewers and exponential growth. He then had a record-breaking launch with a course he offered on Commune.

    With clear demand for Zach’s online education, his team had a bigger vision of delivering a learning journey for their students with a supportive community, personalized coaching, immersive digital events, and unparalleled direct access to Zach. The cultural software Mighty Pro provided gave Zach and his team the tools they need to deliver on their vision.

    “We knew there could be so much more magic,” says Jessie Gardner, the Senior Brand Director at Seraphic Group. “We wanted to deliver a beautiful and completely branded user experience for people, an experience that matched the transformation members were getting in our programs.”

    Here are a few benefits they’ve seen since launching their branded apps with Mighty Pro:

    • Sold out their first cohort of members in 72 hours.

    • Offer a beautifully branded experience that delivers deep transformation for members.

    • Gained new agility without relying on developers and custom technology.

    “I was so relieved when we opened the doors in January and people immediately responded. It was a resounding yes—this was the right decision and the right platform to go with," says Jessie.

    "Before, there was a disconnect between the life-changing health transformations people were having in our courses and the delivery and packaging of that content. Now, we have beautiful apps, an intuitive user experience, and the creativity to bring our programs to life in so many different facets."

    The journey to Mighty Pro

    Zach’s team spent years building a custom learning management system and running their online community with Facebook Groups. This helped them build out their concept for the Journey of Intrinsic Health.

    As they started thinking about the next version of the program, they realized that their custom technology wasn’t suited for the type of learning journey they wanted to create for members.

    “The Journey of Intrinsic Health started as a program called BiologyBootcamp helping people listen to their bodies, tap into their own wisdom as a source for healing," says Jessie.

    "It was run on our own self-built platform. Lives were being changed by the program and helped us get that first version live, but everyone in the organization knew there was so much potential to expand and elevate it.”

    A big disconnect was that the information in the program was so powerful and life-changing but the delivery and user experience didn’t do it justice.

    Abandoning their custom technology for a new platform wasn’t easy.

    “We were years into building a learning management solution in-house that was built for a different part of our business. We tried to make it work for this program, but it became clear that we needed an agile platform and that could support multiple courses and programs. We wanted user-friendly tools to expand or contract our content, and a community gathering place that had events and conversations and dialogue in addition to running the course.”

    Mighty Pro stood out as it could deliver the custom and premium experience they needed.

    “We wanted to deliver the highest level of user experience we could. We wanted a course, we wanted the mobile app experience, and we wanted to have it all white-labeled and fully branded.”

    While abandoning their custom tech was a hard decision, Jessie is glad they made the leap.

    “When I look back now at everything Mighty Pro has brought the organization including the beauty of the experience we can deliver, the way we can cultivate true community, and how we can align the way our members want to immerse themselves in content with an on-the-go app experience, it’s been absolutely the right decision for us.”

    Skipping past Kajabi

    While researching community and course management platforms, Jessie asked different colleagues in the industry for their recommendations.

    “One colleague I talked to who had hosted many successful online courses and community experiences said if they were starting their course business again that they would go straight to Mighty Networks for a seamless experience,” says Jessie.

    "My colleague explained that they were running their courses in Kajabi and their community with Mighty Networks but said that if there was one thing we would have done differently, we would've just launched all on Mighty Networks with the community and the courses together, because it just becomes clunky for the user to be in two different platforms, and try to interconnect those two.”

    This confirmed their selection of Mighty Pro.

    “This was our big leap into making our online community the center point of change," says Jessie.

    "Community is the center of how people grow, the center of education, and Mighty Pro brought all of that together for us and allowed us to explore the idea of what a community could look like within the context of our educational offerings and how we can empower the same magic of the mycelial network that occurs in nature but within our own community of people.”

    Selling out their cohorts in 72 hours

    “Within 72 hours we had sold out 85% of the first cohort,” says Jessie.

    “By the end of our launch, we had sold out both cohorts all the way to May. This created the opportunity to train more coaches to increase our capacity to open up more cohorts, which was the inspiration for The Coaches Journey, a specialized course offering for current life and health coaches to become eligible to be certified Journey of Intrinsic Health Coach.”

    “I was so relieved when we opened the doors and people immediately responded. It was a resounding yes—this was the right decision and the right platform to go with.”

    Since launching in January, they’ve completed three cohorts and have two more to finish out the year for their high-value program, priced at $997 for Group Immersion and $1,797 for the Ultimate Immersion program.

    Why Mighty Pro?

    “A big benefit is the white label functionality. It makes the user experience so seamless. Members download our app directly from the app store and can access everything with one login. And the app looks beautiful and is easy for members to use.”

    This delivers a no-friction experience for members. “Even a couple of steps can make someone decide not to join,” says Jessie. “So having that direct download and the app on their phones is essential to getting people to sign up and complete the program.”

    Their team also sees Mighty Pro’s event capabilities as a stand-out feature. “Not only can we run events but we can now empower the community to start their own events and host their own discussions.”

    “The livestreaming events feel so collaborative and colorful and symbiotic. That's what community is all about. Let's open the circle and bring everybody around the table to contribute their voice, reflection and ideas to the community.”

    Inside their 8-week program

    The Journey of Intrinsic Health is designed to transform the way you think about health. Members access everything through branded iOS and Android apps, plus a customized web experience.

    Inside, members access:

    • Quarterly live sessions and Q&A with Zach Bush, MD.

    • Expert coaching with group or personalized 1:1 options.

    • Access to over 15 hours of videos where Zach Bush, MD, breaks down the foundational points of health.

    • Access to 5+ hours of supplemental material including meditations, breathing exercises, visualizations, rituals, and workouts.

    • 1-year membership to The Journey of Intrinsic Health’s global community and course content.

    The community experience

    For Zach, the journey of health is about empowering yourself which is a much different kind of doctor-patient relationship.

    “In the traditional medical model, it’s the belief that there is an outward source of health—whether a pill or a doctor who you must be reliant on,” says Jessie. “But Zach’s work reveals that there isn’t truth in that dependency. He shows people how to become active and empowered in their health.”

    With years practicing in his clinic, podcast interviews, speaking events, online courses, and founding multiple ventures working to restore our planet’s natural cycles of human health, ecology, energy, and community at his company Seraphic Group, Zach helps people understand their health in connection to a wider ecosystem of their biology and mother nature.

    For Jessie, health is not a destination that you reach by buying a single course.

    "We knew that an online course platform wouldn’t be enough. This is an invitation to start a lifelong journey into understanding your health. You need the support of a community, a place to ask questions and share your experience, and Mighty Pro has allowed us to create that vibrant and supportive experience.”

    Their community not only helps with the learning experience but delivers long-term benefits for members with them returning after the eight-week program completes.

    “Even after they complete the course, groups still gather regularly, even without their coach present. For me, this is a sign of great success," says Jessie.

    "You’ve created an experience where people feel connected and they’re now leading themselves. It makes the community self-sustaining and keeps them progressing on their own health journeys.”

    The coaching experience

    The program includes an option for group or 1:1 coaching. They have seven certified coaches who run group sessions and support members with personalized guidance.

    The program is offered in two tiers—The Group Immersion and The Ultimate Immersion—with the latter featuring a personalized, one-on-one experience of the course material supported by individualized coaching.

    “Your coach walks you through Zach’s protocols and practices to get to this place of listening and trusting your body, and recognizing yourself as an incredible miracle on this planet with intrinsic ability to heal.”

    Aspiring coaches can enroll in a second course that will train eligible students to become certified as a Journey of Intrinsic Health Coach.

    “There is the member journey—The Journey of Intrinsic Health. And we also have the Coach’s Journey which is the second course on our platform. It’s designed for health coaches and practitioners who want to gain continuing education credits and bring this knowledge back into their health care practice.”

    Using cohorts to drive memberships

    Zach’s team uses a cohort-based model for their programs. This allows them to take members on an immersive eight-week journey with group coaching sessions, dedicated groups, the main course, and a larger community with current and past students.

    The cohort model has been a success allowing for the expert coaching experience to be paired with evergreen course material and an ever-evolving community experience.

    Members get access for a year and can renew their membership.

    “We continue to host quarterly live events with Zach, regularly occurring events, and new resources to keep the experience fresh. Our model starts with the initial cohort experience and then members can renew once their first year is up so they can stay connected to the community, and keep applying the foundational health philosophy and practices into their life.”

    Opening the next door to membership growth

    To break to the next level of membership growth, they’ve been investing in partnerships and training new coaches so that they can open up more cohorts. Word-of-mouth and interest from Zach’s thought leadership and speaking events are also major drivers of new members.

    And for champions out there pushing to implement a new platform in their organizations, Jessie has a final word of advice.

    “It can take persistence and advocacy to get any organization behind something that is new, different, and adds a line item to the budget," says Jessie.

    "So for the people out there trying to make change happen in their organization through community-centered experiences, I want to say keep having those conversations with your team leaders. Keep advocating for the value of a better user experience. It's worth it. Since moving to Mighty Pro, we now have so much more agility and freedom to be creative and learn from the experience we’re providing for our members because they are a part of the co-creation process.”

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