If you’re looking for one of the most powerful business models out there, consider a membership site. A membership site creates a space online for people to come together and fulfill that most human need we have: connection.
Not only this, but no-code membership sites are unique business models, capitalizing on the power of recurring revenue.
Add to this a powerful space to host a membership site, and you’ve got the recipe for a stellar business for a solopreneur, creator, or brand. Or, maybe you’re already running an existing business and want to add a membership component to it. That’s great too!
The number one fear for new and potential Hosts is often, “How can I start a membership site without being (or hiring) a developer.” But never fear. Because, with the no-code revolution, it’s never been easier to find a home for your membership community that you can get up and running in the next few hours – without needing any code at all.
In this article, we’ll introduce you to what no-code membership sites are, what to look for, and how to build one for yourself!
If you want more support in building your online community, come join OUR Mighty Community for free and meet other new and established community owners! We’d love to meet you. Join for free!
What is a no-code membership site?
A no-code platform is a software development platform that gives creators the ability to build and deploy their own apps, websites, membership sites, and more without writing any code.
So a no-code membership site is basically a software home for your community business that lets you gate content, add members, keep them engaged, and grow your impact. All without writing a line of html.
Most importantly, these platforms will save you money and a lot of time spent in the painstaking process of building all of your tools from scratch.
The benefits of online community platforms
Online community platforms are the simplest type of no-code membership site, because they give you the tools and functionality you need right out of the box.
In the past, if you wanted to create a membership site, not only would you need to create an actual website, but you also would have to spend many months building and testing the feature you wanted to include. None of these things were as simple as flipping a switch or checking a box.
But with a community platform, it is that easy.
Using a community platform to build a membership site without coding is great because all of the tools you’ll want are there for you already, tested, and known to work seamlessly on the platform.
The best modern community platforms will give you more than what you’re looking for so that you can expand your business as you get more comfortable with community management.
Features to look for in a no-code membership site
Here are some features that we love:
- Branded & flexible spaces
- Live streaming
- Easy checkout and SSO
- Charge in your home currency or with token-gating
- Integrated new member experience
- Notification system
- Tons of content options (video, audio, short & long-form text)
- Polls and questions
These features are only the tip of the iceberg, but give you an idea of just how powerful no-code technology can be for taking your business to new heights.
Should you build a no-code membership site?
If you say yes to one or more of these, you should be thinking about a no-code membership site.
- You want a place to reach people.
- You want to build real relationships with followers or those with shared interests.
- You have a social media following and are tired of fighting the algorithms.
- You’re running an offline membership business and want a virtual space.
- You’re currently running on code and plugins and want an all-in-one solution.
7 Essential steps for creating a no-code membership site
1. Find your Big Purpose
One of the things we love to do before starting any community is getting clear about what it’s about and who it’s for. This type of background work takes a bit of time, but makes for a WAY more successful community.
We love this process so much that we named it! We call this Community Design™ (and we run a full training if you’re interested in mastering it).
When designing a new membership site, we like to start with a Big Purpose. It’s basically the personal motivation behind your community and the impact you want it to have on the world around you. The power of your community comes from you bringing together people to master something together.
If you’re curious how you might get started identifying what the Big Purpose behind your community is, here’s a short exercise:
And if you want to go further, we have a TOTALLY FREE training on finding your Big Purpose in our Mighty Community, which is also TOTALLY FREE to join!
And if you really want to have some fun, try our new AI generator Mighty Co-Host™. Mighty Co-Host™ runs on Chat GPT and can create a Big Purpose, community name, brand, landing and sales pages, and more.
SO many great ways to help you design your ideal membership site. Try it!
2. Who are your Ideal Members?
The next step toward building a membership site without coding is defining who your audience is for your community. Regardless of whether you’ve had an online business for a long time or if you’re just starting out, getting clear on who it’s for and who it’s not for will help you a lot.
We call these people your Ideal Members. These people are the ones who will be most enthusiastic about your membership site and will benefit the most from the value you’ll be providing them when they join.
As you try to figure out who they are, ask some questions:
- What type of people are they?
- What do they struggle with?
- What are their hopes and dreams?
- What transformation can you help them with?
- What will they find in your community they can’t find anywhere else?
A great way to figure out who your Ideal Members are is actually, well, talking to people! Conducting some informal interviews with people who you think might be interested in your community helps you clarify what your audience is looking to achieve, what they are struggling with, and what will get them the most excited.
By the way, we also have a free training to help find your Ideal Member too!
3. Choose your no-code membership platform
As we stated earlier, there has never been a better time to start a membership site and it’s all thanks to no-code technology. Online community platforms have designed robust tools and features for creators to build membership sites from scratch without the need to code anything.
If you’ve done any digging into the community platform landscape, then you’ve probably come to learn that there are plenty of platforms out there to choose from.
We talked above about what makes a great no-code platform, but here are a few other features to watch for:
- The ability to charge for membership, subgroups, courses, or a mixture of these.
- Content and moderation options for you and your members.
- The option to build a beautiful, responsive membership site.
- Customization features to make it your own.
- Member profiles, messaging, and a customized discovery section.
- Access options on web and all mobile devices (with native apps).
Not all platforms are created equal, and not every no-code membership site software will let you do these things.
So we’d put in a plug here for the amazing platform that we’ve created: Mighty Networks! When you create a Mighty Network, you get all these features and more. We were even ranked the best community management software by G2 this year!
Here's what you can do with Mighty -- all without writing a single line of code:
- A robust website builder.
- Membership applications and member profiles.
- An activity feed, so you and your members can always stay up to date on what’s happening on your membership site.
- Live streaming.
- Downloadable analytics for member data.
- Automated payments.
- Online courses.
- Hosting virtual events.
In fact, Mighty lets you build customizable Spaces, and in each one you can add courses, events, live streaming, messaging, discussions and more! The power to customize is totally yours.. And no, still no coding required.
These are all features that you can implement when building a no-code membership site on Mighty Networks.
4. Solidify your business plan
After you’ve gotten to work creating your no-code membership site, you’ll want to nail down what your plans are for monetizing it.
When you create a no-code membership site, you’re providing your members something valuable that they can’t attain anywhere else. This means that you should be charging for what you offer your members.
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula for monetizing your membership site. But the good news is that implementing payment methods on your site is incredibly simple with a no-code framework.
There are two great options you can try when you build a no-code membership site:
Charge a flat fee
A simple and easy way to go about monetizing your membership site is by charging a flat fee for what you offer. This is an easy avenue to go because all your members have to do is sign up for your membership site and they are good to go with monthly recurring payments. It also lessens the work of figuring out what to offer members. Everyone gets the same content and pays the same price.
Utilize tiered pricing
Another possibility you can try is a tiered pricing model for your membership site.
This is certainly more complicated than a flat fee, but it has benefits of its own as well. While everyone who joins your membership site will have a few central motivations in common, your members aren’t a monolith. Each person will have their own needs, desires, and goals, and providing options can be a great way to address these differences.
You could charge a flat rate for a membership to your community and then charge additional fees for things like virtual events, mastermind groups, and online courses. Or you could have different levels of memberships that unlock different kinds of exclusive content.
And we’ve got a great guide to pricing your membership site here, if you’d like to learn more.
5. Add your own branding
While you don’t need to code your Mighty Network, you can add your own logos, brand colors, and a bunch of other little touches to make the community your own. And don’t forget, you can customize your landing page too!
But don’t worry, we’ve got an amazing checklist that will walk you through this step by step with some easy prompts.
Adding your own branding is a fantastic way to make the membership site your own, to create a space you’re proud of. We even do TOTALLY branded apps under your own brand. So if you’re ready for that now, come talk to us. And otherwise, we’ll be here to work with you as you grow!
6. Create a magical new member experience
One of our favorite features that we added to all Mighty Networks is the option to customize what members see when they come into your membership site. You can create a custom checklist for them to get started, and set an automatic welcome video or discussion prompt to get them engaged.
This feature is POWERFUL, because over the years we’ve learned how vital it is not only to invite people into your membership site, but to get them connected right from the start! Creating a custom (and automated) new member experience will ensure everyone gets welcomed and immersed the way they should.
Check out our free training on creating a magical new member experience!
7. Let everybody know about your membership site
The best part about creating a no-code membership site is launching it and showing the world what you’ve been working on.
Sometimes it might feel a bit awkward or uncomfortable to hype up the things you’re working on, but it’s worth it. Tell your friends and family, let your pre-existing following know (if you have a business somewhere else already), and don’t stress too much about social media.
Once you gain your initial members who are all about the content and experiences you’re delivering, your site will surely grow as they tell the world about your community.
Ready to Start?
So we’ve explored in-depth the benefits of no-code and how you can build a membership site without coding.
With Mighty, you harness the power of cultural software with a no-code platform that will give you everything you need under one roof: memberships, online courses, content, and community all under your brand, and instantly available on every device.
Mighty also grows with you, giving you more options as you succees (e.g. an app totally under your brand!) We believe that communities have the power to make the world a better place, and because of that, it’s important to have the tools to bring people together available to everyone.
We deliver more value to creators at a fraction of the cost, and as your membership site grows, so too does the value of your community. So let us help you build a no-code membership site you’re proud of.