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Mighty Networks vs. Kajabi

How does a Mighty Network compare to Kajabi for building a course business? Here's what you need to know.

By Mighty Team

February 21, 2024

11 min read



    Over the years, more and more people have become interested in taking online courses. This interest has allowed many creators to spread their wings and jump into the online learning world.

    Two major players in the online course platform space are Mighty Networks and Kajabi. Both platforms believe in the value of online learning, but approach it in vastly different ways. This can make it hard to know which platform is the best fit for what you’re trying to build.

    Ahead, we’ll compare Mighty Networks vs. Kajabi to see which is best for you.

    If you want more support in building your online course and community, come join OUR Mighty Community for free and meet other new and established community owners! We’d love to meet you. Join for free!


    Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks: Who are they?


    Kajabi is an online course platform that emphasizes the marketing and selling of asynchronous online courses. With a synchronous LMS and lots of features like dripping content, quizzes, and custom landing pages, Kajabi has a good set of course-building tools.

    Kajabi main app

    This translates into Kajabi focusing a lot of resources on their email, landing page, and sales features that creators can use to get more eyes on their work.

    Mighty Networks

    Mighty Networks is a course and community platform that hosts asynchronous or synchronous courses (AKA live-taught or pre-recorded). And these can be built around vibrant communities, memberships, events, and all sorts of other groups and engagement opportunities.

    Mighty Networks - iphone app

    Mighty uses Spaces that let you bring together content the 4 Cs: content, courses, commerce, and community. You can use Mighty to sell memberships, communities, events, and courses or bundles of any and all of these.

    And you can make the leap to your own branded apps when you're ready.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Live streaming

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    Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks: What's the difference?

    Kajabi and Mighty each streamline different things.

    • Kajabi's platform streamlines asynchronous courses (only) with complex marketing funnels. Its community and engagement features are on a different platform.

    • Mighty streamlines async and/or live courses with community and engagement features in one place.

    Kajabi focuses on sales and marketing first, while Mighty focuses on community and engagement first.

    Mighty also has apps under your own brand (AKA white-label apps)--which Kajabi does not. So if you want your course on your own app, only Mighty does that.

    Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks: Comparison chart


    Mighty Networks


    Paid memberships

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    Custom domain

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    Community analytics

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    Icon not checked

    Pre-Recorded Courses

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    Native Live Courses

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    Native Livestreaming

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    Built-In Events

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    Icon not checked

    Sell Events

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    White Label Apps

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    Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks

    Course features

    Both Mighty Networks and Kajabi are presented as “all-in-one” solutions for creators looking to build online courses. Here's how each compares for online learning.


    Integrates marketing and asynchronous courses

    Kajabi app

    Kajabi’s strength is in its delivery of paid asynchronous online courses. Their platform is effective in offering creators aggressive marketing tactics to sell online courses and memberships.

    Here's where Kajabi shines:

    • Powerful LMS: For building an asynchronous course, Kajabi's LMS has lots of options: dripping content, adding photos and videos, and polls and questions.

    • Course sales tools: Create landing pages (either from scratch or from templates), sales pages, email drip campaigns, and more.

    • Complex marketing funnels: Kajabi comes with marketing tools built-in, things like pre-built funnels, triggers, up- and down-sells, and more.

    • Course AI tools: Kajabi has integrated AI tools early, including course outlines and content, landing pages, and AI marketing.

    But Kajabi's weakness is engagement and community features, and it's simply not designed for a live cohort course. Kajabi tried to fix this by purchasing a chat app called Vibely.

    The result is that Kajabi calls "Community 2.0." It has improved Kajabi's community functions with a more comprehensive forum--newsfeeds, events, and chat & DM.

    But Kajabi is so new to the community game; it's still basic. Worst of all, Kajabi Community 2.0 requires a separate log-in and separate app.

    Kajabi has streamlined courses and marketing. But it hasn't streamlined courses and community + engagement features.

    That's why it's best for marketing asynchronous courses, but not for teaching a live one.


    Integrates live and/or async courses with community

    “All-in-one” with a Mighty Network means that you can build custom Spaces that can hold any combination of courses, community, events, and more. Community and courses together are amazing, and with Mighty you can choose either a pre-recorded asynchronous course within a vibrant community OR you can live stream and teach a cohort-based course.

    Student Engagemnet

    But do you know what one of the biggest differences between Mighty and Kajabi is?

    Mighty Networks isn’t JUST a course platform. It streamlines any kind of course with every type of community and engagement tool you can imagine.

    This means:

    • Mighty has lots of features Kajabi doesn't. Choose to livestream a course, build in events (with RSVP), offer premium course discussion groups (and even charge more for them).

    • Mighty has vibrant community tools. Mighty's engagement tools aren't on a different platform. Engagement is everywhere, with discussion forums, member profiles, an activity feed, and chat and messaging. Mighty is G2's top-rated community platform.

    • Mighty has AI course and community tools: Mighty Co-Host™ can help boost your creativity with features like automatic course outlines, icebreaker questions, the "make-it-better" text assistant, instant landing pages, member profiles, and surfacing members you should meet.

    While a Mighty Network doesn’t have the same level of complex marketing flows as Kajabi, the power of the community and native mobile apps drive better results, faster growth, and deeper engagement. It's ridiculously easy to build a course and community that grow themselves with the network effect.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Incubator

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    Mighty Pro

    Pro Homepage - Story Card - No code no maintanence

    For many creators and brands, the thing that really sets Mighty apart from Kajabi is Mighty Pro. Mighty Pro takes the awesome features of a Mighty Network and gives them to you on your own native app. That means YOUR brand in the App Store and Google Play Store.

    This makes Mighty the ONLY platform that you can start on and grow to your own custom apps. Or, if you're an established brand, we can launch with this right away.

    One of the top reasons successful creators are make the jump from Kajabi to Mighty is for the power and profit of your own app.


    We've built apps for brands and creators like TED, Cambridge University, and Sadie Robertson Huff. And when you build on Mighty Pro, you'll work with our team of Account Executives and Community Strategists who have scaled 7-figure creator brands and 8+-figure subscription businesses.

    If you're a current Kajabi customer, we'll even handle the migration.

    Schedule a call with us to learn more.

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    Marketing and monetization


    Part of the decision between Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks will probably be what each one gives you to run your business. So let's compare this.

    When it comes to monetization options. Kajabi offers a great range of tools for creators to sell and market their content.

    We mentioned above, Kajabi offers sales funnels and landing pages, and these are pre-built to fit the type of product you choose to sell. Kajabi also has list-building tools built-in, with things like audience segmentation and email management.

    Kajabi integrated marketing

    With Kajabi, you can also sell in different currencies and create different kinds of bundles. Online courses can be sold at a one-time, monthly, or annual fee or completely free. They also provide creators options for recurring payments in the form of subscription models.


    Mighty gives you different ways to monetize and sell a course. As we said above, since you can teach both live and pre-recorded courses, some creators choose to:

    • Host an asynchronous course and build marketing funnels to it.

    • Host a live cohort course (and perhaps sell the recording after).

    • Mix an asynchronous course with community features like livestreaming, events, discussions, and more.

    • Upsell into premium features like mastermind groups, group coaching or coaching, premium events, and more.

    In short, there are a ton of different ways you can create and sell a course. And you can sell in 135 different currencies or bundle any of the above benefits together.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Course - Miami

    Mighty has a different approach to marketing online courses. You still get things like course landing pages and sales pages. But many Hosts market courses to engaged communities, which sell at a much higher rate thanks to the community flywheel. There's no need for complex funnels and fake urgency, because community members are already engaged and ready to buy.

    Mighty doesn't have native email built-in. Instead, it's partnered with ConvertKit to create built-in integrations for both. You can use ConvertKit's amazing email tools: segmentation, visual automations, list-building and opt-ins, and easily combine them with your community. You can also connect a course and newsletter together easily.

    Pro Homepage - convertkit

    And Mighty also comes with a simple-yet-effective data set that gives you useful analytics, member data, member management, and more.

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    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Live Streaming - Miami

    Mighty Pro marketing and monetization


    If you're interested in Mighty Pro, it is a bigger investment. But at the end of the day, you get a custom app, a team of developers, account strategists, and community designers behind you, AND most people who build on Mighty Pro find the additional revenue quickly pays for the cost of your own app.

    • Example 1: A financial community that scaled FAST to $23K monthly from a $19.99 subscription.

    • Example 2: The community of 2,500 members that introduced an add-on course, & unlocked an additional $100k in revenue within 2 months of launching!

    There's something amazing about having your own branded livestreaming, branded app screens, and even selling courses from your own app. It leads to huge revenue gains and engagement.

    Schedule a call with us and we'll show you what you could do!

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    Apps & user experience

    Lastly, let’s take a look at how Kajabi and Mighty Networks each approach onboarding and user experience (UX).


    Kajabi is a great platform for course UX. As we said above, there are a lot of features for course creators to sell and market their courses. Kajabi comes with decent apps for all devices. The app does courses well, which is – of course – what Kajabi was made for.

    But it's the extra features that are missing (or require the separate app)--features that are just a given for many modern students. Live courses. Community. Events. All these are limited, even with the new Community 2.0 solution. In fact, Kajabi still hosts its own Kajabi Hero community on Facebook -- which says a lot.

    • Want to live stream? You’ll need to hook up a YouTube account and live stream from there, sharing the link to your community.

    • Want a discussion forum or community? Your members need to create a separate log-on and download a separate app.

    Yup. Although Kajabi's apps are good, Kajabi users need two different apps to access courses and community.

    And--as we said above--you can't grow into branded apps with Kajabi. You'll have to move to a different platform.


    Mighty's user interface is powerful, but it's intuitive to use. You get total customization over your course spaces--something no other course platform has. Course Spaces can have an asynchronous LMS, events, discussion, assignments, and more--or you can turn any of these off. It makes getting the course you want really simple.

    Mighty - Dynamic Spaces GIF

    The platform has user-friendly tools for building online courses as you go. And, ultimately, Mighty has a powerful and comprehensive events platform, which Kajabi doesn't.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Achievement Academy - Events

    Last but not least, APPS! The Mighty Network apps are awesome, giving you every element of your Spaces in a mobile version: courses, events, community, messaging, and more. And they're well-rated in the App Store and Google Play store.

    But, as we've said, you can also get a white-label app with Mighty Pro.

    If you want to build and sell your course on your own white-label app under your own brand, we’ll help you do it! Schedule a call with us to find out more.

    And if you want to experience more, you're welcome to join the Mighty Community. It's free and it will give you a sense of how the platform works!

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    Ready to build?

    We’ve covered a lot here, but when it comes down to Mighty Networks vs. Kajabi, here are just a few of the many things you can do with Mighty:

    • Build online courses the way you want: async or teach live (and sell a recording if you want)

    • Take advantage of Community AI features like auto course outlines, discussion prompts, and text assist

    • Create any kind of community content: videos, short- and long-form text, images, polls, discussion boards, quizzes, and Q&As

    • Integrated live events and native livestreaming

    • Have your own branded app that is accessible in the App Store and Google Play store

    • Sell or bundle courses or memberships in your home currency or with token-gating

    And our platform is constantly evolving with new and exciting features for creators to use in their businesses. Your Mighty Network is available across the web, iOS, and Android. So, you get more customization, flexibility, and mobility than what you can get on other platforms. Sounds pretty great, right?

    Let’s get started!

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    Start Your Own Mighty Network Today!No credit card required.


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