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Here’s Where to Sell Digital Products (18 Options for 2024)

From teaching courses to building app templates & more, here are the best platforms to sell digital products.

By Mighty Team

August 23, 2024

21 min read



    If you’re starting a digital business, the landscape has never looked better. While there’s a lot of competition, the global economy has moved online–with a revenue of $3.6 trillion in 2024. We’re more and more comfortable with shopping, buying, and consuming digital products than ever.

    And if you’re looking for the best platform to sell digital products, it’s on this list. But there isn’t one best platform. The best platform will depend on the business you’re building and what digital product you’re trying to sell.

    This article will introduce you to a bunch of online platforms for different types of digital creators. So whether you’re teaching a course, building app templates, or creating motion graphics templates, here are the best 18 places to sell digital products.

    *Don’t forget to read our related post for a list of 45 of the best digital products to sell! *

    Try the platform with the most $1 million communities.

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    What are digital products?

    A digital product is an intangible good that's created and delivered electronically. The combination of widescale software access and ecommerce tools means that almost any digital good can be monetized if people are willing to buy it.

    Here are some of the most common types of digital products:

    • Information products that share knowledge or teach something. These are awesome for people with something to share, and you don't need to be techy (since there are tons of platforms to help you monetize).

    • Memberships and communities that create online spaces and friendships. Perfect for people who love to Host and bring people together to share a journey.

    • Subscriptions that give access to premium content. Perfect for people who love to create and share content and ideas.

    • Software and applications designed to solve common problems. These are the perfect digital products for developers who can build and earn from digital infrastructure.

    • Creative assets like images, fonts, graphics, and video. These are perfect for creative people who love to make visual things.

    • Templates and Tools to help users accomplish certain things. Perfect for people who like to create tools like spreadsheets, website templates, or themes.

    • Virtual goods like skins or metaverse decorations. These are perfect for people with design knowledge who understand the virtual landscape.

    MN - Graphics - 2024 - Apps

    The truth about digital products

    Go check out any money or passive income blog and you'll see that digital products feature heavily. And it's not hard to see why.

    • Software and platforms make it easier than ever to create and launch a digital product.

    • There's usually very little overhead and potential for endless upside.

    • There are constantly new and amazing ways to earn from what you're good at in the creator economy.

    So much for the good. And yes, there are lots of good things about digital products.

    But there are a few cautions to keep in mind:

    • Ease of entry: The easier it is to create a digital product, the more people rush in. It can end up feeling like a gold rush--where the people who get rich are the ones selling the shovels (ever bought a "get rich by starting a course" course?). Don't necessarily pick the digital product that's the easiest. Pick the one you know you can add real value to!

    • Chasing fads: Just because you read that Amazon FBA or dropshipping is the newest online fad doesn't mean you should chase it. Instead of chasing whatever's on the top-ten lists, find where you can add unique value with your skills and knowledge.

    • Mistrust: People are skeptical of online claims, and rightly so! Creating digital products means creating a good reputation, whether it's positive reviews or word of mouth.

    • Complexity: It's easy to get carried away thinking you need a huge, complex business with tons of software and a fancy tech stack. Often simple offers are the best, especially at the beginning. Try to make your digital product as simple as you can and create it for one Ideal Member.

    • Flashes and fizzles: Some people start and quit too soon. Building a digital product business can take time. What is the thing you'd be interested in working on in the coming months and years (and not just the coming week)?

    How to decide where to sell digital products

    • What are your strengths? If you're a developer writing software to sell, you don't need an online learning platform. If you're a teacher, you probably do! Take inventory of what your unique strengths are and find a platform that serves them well.

    • What platforms exist? This seems obvious, but do your research. Because there are platforms and software out there for almost any kind of digital product, and you may not know about it yet. And hey, that's why you're here! We'll cover some below.

    • What does your Ideal need? A digital product is created for an Ideal Member, an ideal student, or an ideal customer. Think about the value you're offering them, and which platform offers them the most.

    • What will be doable? There are a ton of platforms you can use for this. So if you get started somewhere and your eyes are glazing over from how confusing it is, you should probably look somewhere else. Find a platform you understand and can focus on building.

    2024 - Graphics - Ideal Member Results

    The best platform to sell digital products (18 options)

    1. Mighty Networks

    Best platform for selling communities and courses

    Mighty Networks is an online course and community platform perfect for building digital products. In addition to courses and communities, you can sell things like masterminds, coaching, virtual events, and paid livestreams.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - 2024 - Livestreaming GIF

    Rated the #1 community platform by G2, Mighty gives powerful member engagement tools mixed with member management features that make for a flexible digital business. And for memberships, Mighty is built on software that's designed to introduce members to each other, creating engagement and growth on autopilot.

    MN - Graphics - 2024 - Profiile + similarities

    Why Mighty is great for digital products.

    The average price Mighty Hosts charge is $48/mo. This means that a community with 100 members is a great side-hustle ($4,800/mo), while one with 1,000 members is a thriving business ($48,000/mo).

    If courses are your thing, you can choose from selling a live or pre-recorded course–with a flexible and intuitive LMS that makes course creation easy.

    These two things make Mighty an awesome choice for selling digital products for course or community builders. And a lot of community Hosts choose to do both, selling community memberships and upselling into courses.

    MN - Graphics - 2024 - Desktop Course

    And with a powerful business engine, you can easily sell bundles and memberships in 135 different currencies.

    If you want to learn more about creating a community as a digital product, check out this podcast series!

    Best features

    • Member engagement tools like livestreaming, discussion forums, chat & messaging, polls & questions.

    • Content features for any kind of content you want: video, long-form articles, posts, images, etc.

    • Membership management tools: member lists and profiles, forms, auto renewals, and more.

    • Live virtual events with RSVP, native livestreaming and multi-speaker, or built-in Zoom integration.

    • Live or pre-recorded courses with an intuitive LMS, course modules, comments & discussion, access controls, assignments, and class profiles.

    • Creativity-boosting AI features with Mighty Co-Host™ means auto course outlines, instant member profiles, suggested member connections, the “make it better” text editor, and auto icebreaker questions.

    • Well-rated app for Android and Apple, or you can get your community on your own branded app with Mighty Pro: your icon in the App Store and Google Play Store, splash screens, branded notifications, branded livestreaming, etc.

    • ConvertKit integration for easy email marketing and reaching your community.

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    2. ConvertKit

    Best platform for selling newsletters

    convertkit homepage

    For those who love to share ideas in the written form, a newsletter can be a great subscription product. You can create a paid newsletter and have people pay to receive it. This works great for people with established followings–especially if your followers want your take on something. This means that newsletters are currently working well for journalists, thought leaders, and industry experts.

    Some creators choose Substack as a newsletter platform–and it has some decent features: specifically the discoverability and name recognition. But Substack takes a 10% cut of your revenues–which means you’re actually punished for growing.

    ConvertKit is a better choice. It’s a way more powerful email platform (and has been for a while), and they’ve added some great features for a paid newsletter.

    ConvertKit Landing PAge Templates

    Here are some of our favorites:

    Best features

    • Advanced automation and segmentation with A/B testing and easy tagging and content triggers to organize your list.

    • Great templates for building a newsletter and customizing it to fit your needs.

    • Hosted landing pages and easy-to-use opt -ins and banners for growing your email list.

    • Visual automation builders that are intuitive for creating unique flows for different segments and automating reader actions with if/then logic.

    • Detailed analytics with subscribe/unsubscribe, open rates, link clicks, etc.

    ConvertKit segmentation

    3. Kajabi

    Best Platform for selling pre-recorded courses with a marketing funnel

    Kajabi app

    As a course alternative, Kajabi brings together a platform for hosting a pre-recorded course and a solid set of marketing tools. Course creators can choose from a large set of delivery templates and customization features for a course.

    Kajabi isn’t the right choice for a live course or for a community. Although Kajabi has been adding community features, the Community 2.0 platform exists as a separate product from Kajabi with separate logins and separate apps. This makes it clunky for users.

    But for complex marketing funnels and triggers for selling courses, Kajabi does well.

    Kajabi integrated marketing

    Best features

    • Landing page and course page builder with lots of tools for customizing and creating course websites.

    • Brings together every aspect of a digital course business, including email, sales and marketing, complex funnels, up- and down- sells, and more.

    • Customization features for delivering a pre-recorded course with different options for assignments, certificates, and evaluations.

    4. Udemy

    Best course marketplace

    Udemy Courses

    When it comes to teaching courses online, we prefer online learning software to platforms. With course software, you can set your own prices and keep more of your revenue. When you build on a course marketplace, you immediately come into competition with hundreds and thousands of other courses. And you’re at the mercy of a course platform’s payout structure. For example, Skillshare pays creators a chunk of its monthly membership revenues according to how much time people spend watching your course. If your course isn’t popular, you may earn next to nothing.


    But if you’re determined to build on a course marketplace and list the course publicly, then Udemy is probably the best choice. It still gives its instructors the power to set their own course prices AND subscription packages. And since you can set your course price anywhere from free to -$299, you actually have a chance to earn more from your course. However, it’s important to understand that Udemy keeps 63% of the revenue from students who find your course on its platform. That’s a huge chunk out of your revenues. You keep 97% of the course revenues you bring yourself.

    Best features

    • Course marketplace with 64 million learners and a lot of courses.

    • Good features for building a pre-recorded course and an easy-to-use course editor.

    • Can earn both from your following directly (if you have one) and people who discover your course via the course platform.

    5. Shopify

    Best platform for building e-commerce stores

    Shopify Dawn Template

    Shopify is a well-known tool for building online stores–either self-hosted or adding it to your own website. As such, it can be used for creating almost any kind of store for a physical or digital product. It’s easy to choose from templates for your site, get a store up and running and products listed.

    Shopify starts from $39/mo, although there are different tiers at $105 and $399.

    Best features

    • Comes with awesome selling features like discount codes, cart recovery, sales channels, and gift cards.

    • Build websites for selling almost any digital product and easily adding product description, shipping options, etc.

    • Great customer service and lots of business apps to connect to.

    You can try our free Shopify store name generator here.

    6. PodBean

    Best platform for podcast creation and monetization


    If you’re creating and monetizing a podcast, PodBean is a good choice. It’s a one-stop tool for podcasts, with an excellent recording platform that lets you record, publish, and host podcasts–both video and audio. You can use your own domain as well and host your podcast on a professional-looking site.

    Best features

    • Easy promotion and distribution, straight to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Alexa, and Spotify, or embed a player on your website or blog.

    • Statistics that tell you how your podcast is performing: downloads, trends, top episodes, etc.

    • AI recording tools like noisenoice reduction, auto-filtering, and EQ, cut “filler” words (like “um”), and AI show notes and transcripts.

    • Monetize with advertising, ad insertion, subscriptions (with Apple Podcasts), or patronage.

    Try our podcast name generator here!

    7. OpenSea

    Good platform for selling NFTs


    If the digital product you’re creating is an NFT, there are a few options for marketplaces. But OpenSea is a common place to buy and sell NFTs, mostly with digital currencies.

    Best features

    • Marketplace with all sorts of digital art and auction-style selling–mostly with Ethereum.

    • Easy to connect a digital wallet and full control over the sale between buyer and seller.

    • Useful “stats” for buying and selling and tools to follow trends.

    8. Classful

    Best platform to sell lesson plans


    For teachers looking to sell lesson plans–Classful is a U.S.-based platform that makes it possible to sell your own educational resources. It features lots of different products for all levels, so teachers can find something that fits their class–saving them valuable prep time.

    The types of products you can sell varies, but handouts, printables, lesson plans, and other classroom activities are popular. All are sold as digital downloads, with Classfull taking a 5% cut of sales. While transaction costs aren’t ideal, this is a unique and specialized platform–so it’s still the best place.

    Best features

    • A community of 100k who buy teaching-related products.

    • A huge digital download set that has room for more products in almost any genre or type.

    • A built-in fundraising option for schools raising money–which is a cool feature that fits well with the existing offerings of Classful.

    9. Amazon

    Best platform for selling e-books

    Amazon KDP

    This one is likely going to spark some controversy. And yes, there are reasons not to sell your e-book on Amazon. And there are a million Amazon alternatives for indie book publishers that perhaps take less of a cut.

    But it’s hard to beat Amazon’s value proposition; they’re the world’s largest book marketplace. You can publish straight to their online bookstore with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Combine this with Amazon’s dominance of the e-reader market with the Kindle products, and it’s pretty tempting. This being said, e-readers are declining in popularity so we’ll need to see if Amazon’s dominance continues on mobile. But with so many people already shopping on Amazon, it’s easy to add a book to your cart–you can be sure customers will feel no qualms about purchasing a product there.

    Amazon takes anywhere from 30- 70% of revenues from e-books, which is a bummer. But it might be a price worth paying to gain access to the millions of Amazon searches each day. (If you have your own following, a platform like Gumroad might be an alternative to set up your own store.)

    Best features

    • KDP is a powerful publishing platform that makes it easy to publish, track revenues, and get payouts.

    • Automatic delivery to every Amazon marketplace around the world and easy use. You can even opt for a “print on demand” for people who want a hard copy of your book.

    • 67% of all book buyers in the U.S. use Amazon with large market shares in other countries.

    10. MemberPress

    Best platform to sell premium WordPress content


    There are a lot of different ways to monetize content, but as sure as the sky is blue there will be people wanting to monetize a WordPress site. There are different ways to do it, but if you’re selling premium blog content as a digital product a tool like MemberPress is a good option.

    MemberPress does one thing and one thing well, it turns a WordPress site into a membership page.

    Best features

    • An easy-to-use WordPress plugin that lets you create members only areas of your site.

    • The option to add digital downloads if you want.

    • A members only area on the back end of the site.

    • Different ways to gate and restrict content with lots of customization features.

    11. CodeCanyon

    Best platform for selling software

    Code Canyon

    CodeCanyon is a digital product marketplace for mobile app templates, PHP scripts, ecommerce plugins, and a ton of other software. If you love to build things with code, it’s a good place to sell them (with a few exceptions we’ll cover below).

    The revenue from CodeCanyon is at over $1 billion (from their own counter). Envato (the owner of CodeCanyon) takes a buyer fee and a handling fee in some cases, but the dedicated marketplace with a lot of buyers is a good value proposition for coders.

    Best features

    • Marketplace platform with tons of options to choose from for pretty much any application with a built-in rating system.

    • An automatic license that comes with any purchase of a product (read the details here). You choose from offering support or not.

    • Choice between offering items exclusively on CodeCanyon or listing in multiple places. They give you a lower “buyer fee” if you list exclusively.

    • An affiliate program so that you can earn more from promoting others’ creations.

    12. Etsy

    The ultimate creative marketplace

    Etsy- Capture

    When it comes to selling digital products, Etsy has become a powerhouse. Once, Etsy was limited to physical products like crafts, but by opening the store to digital downloads, it’s arguably the place to beat. People are selling wallpaper, scrapbooking templates, print-on-demand t-shirts, and pretty much any other creative thing.

    That’s not to say selling on Etsy is easy. The competition is HUGE; there are so many creators there it can be tough to get seen. Etsy charges a 6.5% transaction fee.

    Best features

    • Etsy has over $350 million users per month. That’s an ENORMOUS user base.

    • The marketplace is easy to search for users, and it’s still possible to find creative niches for digital products.

    13. Turbosquid

    The best platform for selling 3d models and assets


    There’s incredible growth with the 3D printing industry, since it’s possible to 3d print everything from plastic models to houses to food. So if you’re a creative who likes building 3D blueprints, it’s possible to sell these!

    Turbosquid is a good online marketplace for selling 3d plans and models. Users can search for pretty much anything–from StemCell models to brand demos–and buy it from the platform.

    Best features

    • TurboSquid has been around since 2000 and was partially responsible for creating the industry standard: Checkmate.

    • TurboSquid can syndicate your content to a bunch of other sites they own and partners like Adobe Stock and Envato.

    • TurboSquid handles the hosting and support, and you can even grow with an affiliate program.

    14. Creative Market

    Best place to sell graphics

    creative market

    Creative Market is a marketplace for selling graphics and fonts. It’s a place for creatives of all kinds to post and host and earn from what they love. Creative Market takes a platform fee from each order, but its dedicated platform and reputation make it a good option for creators without a following–or who just want to post occasionally and not think about their products.

    Best features

    • 10 million members looking for creative products.

    • Creative Market doesn’t require exclusivity. You can still sell on your own site or elsewhere.

    • You set your prices. Unlike other marketplaces where your creations are included in a membership (e.g. Canva), Creative Market gives you more freedom to earn what you want.

    • Once you’re approved with them, you can upload any products you want.

    • You can chat directly with your customers and handle support.

    15. My Fonts

    Best platform for selling fonts


    The custom font market is mostly directed at brands and graphic designers who work for them–there’s still a premium on great and original fonts. Some brands will choose to buy a font that’s only theirs, so nobody else can have it. But it’s more common for brands to pay to license premium fonts.

    If you’re a font designer who creates fonts from scratch, customizing ligatures and building font sets, you could have a digital product.

    Fonts are most often sold on font marketplace websites, and there are some good options. So Fontsy and Font Squirrel are excellent, but we’ll talk about My Fonts here.

    To sell on My Fonts, you must submit an application with your foundry name, description, and bio. If approved, you can then submit your fonts.

    Best features

    • Freedom to sell your fonts on other sites (although price must be equal or lower).

    • Earn up to $1,000 through selling fonts on the marketplace. You may also get exposure to negotiate your own custom, exclusive deals (off the platform).

    16. IconFinder

    Best platform for selling vector graphics


    Creating vector graphics is a digital product that’s perfect for creatives. There are several places to sell them, including Envato or iStockPhoto–but these marketplaces don’t have good payout structures.

    If you’re not selling on your own website, a marketplace like IconFinder is a better option. There are lots of people shopping for graphics there. IconFinder does take a 50% cut–which is a lot–but the margins on vector graphics are often pretty low to begin with.

    Best features

    • Connect to millions of potential customers a month.

    • IconFinder provides regular analytics and reports to see how your products are doing.

    • Automatically be listed on partner sites. IconFinder does all the work to upload, tag and metadata, description, etc., on both their platform and partner platforms. You just add your designs.

    • You can control whichwith reseller partners you want to list on.

    17. Bandcamp

    Best platform for selling music and merch


    If you’re a musician and you want to create a subscription product to earn from your music, Bandcamp is a good choice. It lets you create and host music and even sell it on Bandcamp–they paid artists $193 million last year.

    Best features

    • Sell subscriptions to music and build a loyal fan community–connecting them with messages and email.

    • Sell merch like shirts, buttons, bags, etc. and track reports and sales history.

    • Embeddable music players.

    • Price what you want for your product (or use a track or merch as a lead magnet). Bandcamp reports that 50% of the time fans pay MORE than the list price. They love supporting artists.

    • Bandcamp presses vinyl. You can start taking orders and ship your own vinyl records.

    • Host live events with your merch table embedded AND get discovered on the Bandcamp library.

    18. MotionArray

    Best platform to sell motion graphics and sound clips

    If your digital product is a motion graphic or sound clip, MotionArray is a place to sell it. MotionArray works like a marketplace with a revenue share. They collect membership fees and distribute them to artists based on how many users download them.

    The reward model is a bit confusing–there are seven levels you need to move up, and the more downloads you get, the more you keep. It’s not a perfect payment system for creators–in fact, it doesn’t do much for small creators. But MotionArray is one of the most common sites for video motion graphics and audio clips, so it’s a contender.

    Whether you create Adobe presets, YouTube intros or outros, or sound effects, MotionArray is a good place to be.

    Best features

    • User requests. Artists can see certain creations users have requested (e.g. A YouTube intro with a dinosaur theme) and respond. MotionArray will give 20 artists who do this a small honorarium of $150.

    • Reach 8 million subscribers with your work and get it featured in videos made by other creatives.

    • Earn royalties on each download.

    Ready to start?

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Live streaming

    Whether you’re launching your first digital product or your tenth, we hope these platforms and software options for selling digital products have given you lots to work with. Remember, no matter what platform you choose, always ask hard questions about whether they pay creators fairly. A place to sell digital products will be a part of any successful business model, so make sure you choose an option that can grow with you.

    And if you want to build courses and community, come build with us! Mighty makes it ridiculously easy to create and sell either community membership or an online course. Don’t take our word for it. You can try it free for 14 days–no credit card required. With the help of Mighty Co-Host™, our community engine, we can get your paid community up and running in minutes. Try it!

    Ready to start selling digital products?

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