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Communities & Memberships

Grow Your Professional Development Community with These 3 Expert Techniques

The Accountable Leaders is a professional development community run by the bestselling author Dr. Vince Molinaro. Here are 3 ways they expertly attract new members.

By James Mulvey

February 6, 2025

2 min read

Dr. Vince Molinaro has dedicated his life to promoting personal and organizational accountability in leadership cultures around the world. From multiple New York Times bestselling books to delivering leadership training for executives, Vince teaches leaders how to create a culture where everyone steps up, owns it, and delivers results.

As part of his education and thought leadership, Vince also offers a premium membership community. Within his mobile apps, members access a private community, meet other executives, attend small events, and can go deeper into Vince’s teachings.

In this post, let’s take a look at the marketing and content engine supporting The Accountable Leaders, offering solid tactics you can use to lift member growth.

1. Little details create a giant impact

At Mighty Pro, we work with a lot of communities and help them launch their branded apps. There is one mistake that we see again and again: not investing enough in the visual identity of your membership.
Small branding choices, consistent color choice, distinctive imagery—these details all work together to create an energy that attracts new members in the door.

The Accountable Leaders perfects all these small details. The website is boldly minimalist. The colors are consistent—whether you login into their community app or read Vince’s thought leadership.

All of this creates an energy that invites people to join—and communicates the premium nature of Vince’s offerings.

2. Sell transformation, not features

This is how most membership sites sell their offering.

  • You get 15 online courses

  • You get 120 hours of video content

  • You get access to like-minded people

The Accountable Leaders take a much more sophisticated route, selling the results and transformation people will get by joining.

They frame their membership around the question “What would look different a year from now if you, your team, and your organization led with accountability?”

Framing your community and membership with the “year in the life” model is one of the most effective ways to help new members see the value of joining your community. This principle—which we teach as a part of our Community Design(™) strategy course—gets you away from talking about features and towards the value that people truly care about—getting results and transformation.

By framing around a year-long journey, this attracts members looking for real transformation. These members are open to longer commitments (such as yearly memberships) and they’re the type of members who will be high-contributors, answering questions from other members, attending live events, and spreading the word to other professionals who could benefit from your community.

3. Make the first yes, easy.

Vince triples the chances of converting website visitors into community members by offering three paths into The Accountable Leader’s membership.

First, the website helps high intent visitors immediately sign up for a yearly or monthly membership.

If you’re not ready for a yearly or monthly subscription, you can join a micro-course. This gives you a glimpse into the value of the premium membership. Vince is prolific at content, so you can also access a library of leadership resources.

All of these are housed within Vince’s branded apps. So while there are many options that serve different motivations, they all lead to the same destination which makes it easy to understand how to engage deeper in Vince’s work and community.

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