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Profi vs. Mighty Networks

Which is better for running your coaching business? We’ll give you a side-by-side comparison of what each option gives you.

By The Mighty Team

May 10, 2023

10 min read



    If you’re thinking about creating an online coaching business, or you already have one, you know that half the battle is in the details. It’s hard to get your clients lined up, schedule time, host conversations (especially if you do group coaching), and build your business.

    And there are a lot of platforms that promise to make your life easier.

    In this post, we’re going to talk about a well-known platform: Mighty Networks, and one that’s new to the game: Profi. We’ll do a side-by-side comparison to show you what you get from each option and help you figure out which will empower you to build the amazing business you’re dreaming of.

    So here we go. Profi vs. Mighty Networks.

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    1. Profi vs. Mighty Networks: Who are they


    Profi is a new scheduling platform for coaches, centered around a calendar interface. From the calendar, coaches can book meetings with potential clients. Unlike some other scheduling platforms, Profi lets you connect the calendar and your sessions in one place, so your coaching clients could book a time AND have a coaching session without leaving the platform. It also has options to add a premade program for your clients that functions as an asynchronous course.

    Mighty Networks

    Mighty Networks is an all-in-one platform centered around building great communities. It gives you an interactive discussion space, tons of features like polls, live streaming, events, and branded courses and subgroups to make your community awesome. And you can sell access in just about any way you can imagine, charging for courses, events, a one-time fee or a recurring membership, or bundles.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Courses and live streaming - Galaxy DAO

    Start Your Free Trial

    2. Profi vs. Mighty Networks: Judgment criteria

    Community building

    If you’re looking to find a home for your online community, even if you’re a coach trying to build a coaching community or group coaching practice, you need a community platform that gives you the space to build something great for your members. We’ll compare the community-building functions of each platform.

    Events & meetings

    If you want to host virtual events large or small, or meetings with a group (say a group coaching session, for example) we’ll compare the options each of these platforms gives you to do this.


    One of the great things about building an online coaching business is the option to sell courses. A virtual course frees up some of your time as a coach and lets you scale your efforts, while still giving your clients a ton of value. We’ll compare what each of these platforms gives you in terms of course-building options.


    If you’re building a business, you know that there’s more involved than just throwing up an offer. You also want the option to add your brand to whatever you’re doing so that your customers can get a feel for who you are and what you do best. We’ll show you the branding options for both Mighty Networks and Profi.io.

    App & access

    Finally, we’ll run through the app and access options you have for actually reaching your clients with all your great offerings.

    3. Profi vs. Mighty Networks: Community building


    If you’re looking to build a powerful, interactive community, Profi is missing a lot of the features that would let you do it. Although Profi advertises a community space and you can write blogs, neither of these things is dedicated to you and your community.

    The Profi community is comprised of other people who run a Profi–so rather than building a community around your work, you’re actually joining a community of Profi leaders. This isn’t a bad thing necessarily, Mighty Networks does have this too, a free community for Hosts, but it’s to support Hosts in running their own communities with their own members. In the same way, the blogs are for anyone on the Profi platform to read, including other coaches.

    The lack of community in Profi might be intentional. After all, coaching may require some confidentiality–so in some cases, you might not want your clients to know each other. But all this is to say that Profi is well set up to schedule and run individual and small-group coaching sessions, but it’s not really a community builder.

    Mighty Networks

    Mighty Networks is a cultural software platform that brings together community, courses, content, and commerce, and it gives you a ton of features to build a thriving membership base.

    While the focal point of Profi is the calendar and scheduling tools, the focal point of Mighty Networks is your own community–that you can fill with members who are excited to be there and engage with each other.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Incubator

    We’ve learned through the years that for all the reasons people might join an online community: a course, a webinar, or a group coaching session, they stay for the connections they make. That’s why each Mighty Network is centered on relationships–they’re what makes your community thrive.

    And in addition to great events and courses, which we’ll talk about below, you’ve got a lot of everyday community-building functions: conversations, posts and articles, polls, live streaming, and dedicated subgroups. All are tools to help you make your community fantastic.

    Mighty Networks will even help you get started with the AI-powered community name generator Mighty Co-Host™. Mighty Co-Host™ runs on Chat GPT and can create a Big Purpose, community name, brand, landing and sales pages, and more. Mighty Networks is the only community building software that offers this feature.

    Give it a try!

    Try Our Community Name Generator

    Our AI engine is here to help you create a community name that feels like magic. Just share a few words about who your community is for and we’ll get to work.

    Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

    The names generated by Mighty Co-Host™ are examples only and may be used by other businesses or subject to third-party rights. For more information, check our Terms.

    4. Profi vs. Mighty Networks: Events & meetings


    Since Profi is primarily a scheduling platform for 1:1 or small group meetings between coaches and clients; this is what it does best. You can send the scheduling link to clients that lets them view your calendar and set up a meeting (much like Calendly). Once they choose a meeting time and fill out their account details, they can access the meeting itself in the “session room.” On the day of their event, your clients can log on, test their quality, and jump into a call with you.

    profi calendar

    In addition to 1:1 sessions, you can run group coaching sessions on Profi. These just require selecting “group coaching” and inviting people with an invite link.

    Profi does well at scheduling and holding 1:1 or small group meetings. But it’s not made for bigger events. It’s primarily for coaches to run their small practices.

    Mighty Networks

    Mighty Networks has a very different focus from Profi, since it’s primarily a platform based around community and not around 1:1 sessions. This means the event options in Mighty Networks are different, aimed at bringing your whole community or parts of it together rather than running a 1:1 meeting. Of course, you can still chat with individual members or groups of members.

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    The place where Profi and Mighty Networks overlap a bit in functionality is with group coaching. If you want to run small coaching groups in Mighty Networks, you would simply create a subgroup that would give you your own title (e.g. Career Masters Group). Unlike Profi, where you need to send an invite link to sessions, with Mighty Networks you’d only invite your members once to belong to a subgroup. Within this group, you can host conversations, create and run events (including with 1-click Zoom scheduling), and message all the members. You can also easily charge for access.

    Mighty Networks also has live streaming built in, which gives you more ways to reach your members.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Livestream Paired Light

    The point of a Mighty Network is never to invite people to one or two meetings; it's not a scheduling service. It’s about bringing a community together to build long-lasting relationships that matter. When members belong to a subgroup, they will be notified of upcoming events through email and/or the app (they can choose), and can jump into the meeting from the web, iOS, or Android apps.

    The final thing Mighty Networks does really well is larger events. It’s about community, right? So with Mighty Networks, you can schedule events that show up on the “Events” tab.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - MC - Mastermind EventSeries Paired Light

    They are open to all members of whatever Space you’re hosting them in. Members can RSVP, you can see who else is going, you can customize the event, and there’s a built-in forum function below each event so people can ask questions, and have discussion either before, during, or after!

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    5. Profi vs. Mighty Networks: Courses


    Profi gives you the option to add three types of sessions: a group session, an individual session, and a program (or a package of more than one of these). The “Program” function works like a course. You can add a series of program modules for a list of premade lessons that your users can go through in their own time.

    The creation is clean and simple, and lets you build a basic course for your users.

    Profi- Course

    Mighty Networks

    Like everything else on Mighty Networks, the course creation is built around community. Each course gets its own dedicated dashboard that has a community built into it: this means you can meet others taking the course, chat and ask questions to the instructor, and comment on every single module.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Courses Paired Dark

    Mighty Networks gives you much more comprehensive options for structuring your course too, with individual sections. And you can customize just about everything, from the look and feel of your course to the words you use to describe it (e.g. Don’t like the words “Course” and “Instructor”? With one click you can change it to “Program” and “Coach” across the whole group.)

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Body Soul Livestream Paired Light

    Start Your Free Trial

    6. Profi vs. Mighty Networks: Branding


    When it comes to adding your own feel to the platform, Profi lets you upload a logo and icon to represent your brand. There’s nothing else in terms of customization.

    Mighty Networks

    Mighty Networks gives you a ton of options to customize your community, from branding, logos, color schemes, and the language you use to describe your offerings. It doesn’t only do this at the community level, you can individually brand every single subgroup, course, and event if you choose. It has a one-click option to choose a custom domain name for your community. And these customizations are available across the app too–your members will always have the same experience.

    At the premium level, with Mighty Pro, Mighty Networks has an option to totally custom design your own branded app–meaning that when people look for you in the app store or Google Play, they’ll see your community’s brand, not Mighty Networks.

    Mighty Pro gives you totally custom apps. Schedule a call with us and we'll show you what you can build!


    7. Profi vs. Mighty Networks: App & access

    The final thing worth mentioning is the app and access options for both Profi and Mighty Networks. In this case, Profi doesn’t have an app at all, either for iOS or Android. If your members want to access across devices, they’ll need to try to navigate the website.

    Mighty Networks has an app that works for every plan, and–as we said above–branded apps with Mighty Pro. This means that even with the Community Plan, all your members can access your community through the app, get notified about content, etc.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Live Streaming - Miami


    The choice between these two platforms probably comes down to what you need. If you’re looking for a scheduling service that’s an alternative to Google calendars or Calendly, Profi might work. Like Google calendars, it has video calling features built-in so you can invite your clients to book a meeting and join it in the same place. But it also has the option to add the course and to include forms for your clients to fill out. It works well for what it’s designed to do: giving coaches a platform to schedule and hold calls with their clients.

    Mighty Networks - Graphics - Live streaming

    If you want to build a robust community-centered business, whether you’re a coach or not, Mighty Networks has much more comprehensive features to work with, starting first and foremost with the interactive activity feed, a bunch of different ways to create content and engage with members, and hosting fantastic live events or courses.

    But you don’t need to take our word for it. You can try it for yourself–no credit card required!

    Ready to start building your community?

    Start Your Own Mighty Network Today!No credit card required.


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