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Branded Apps

How to Create an App Without Coding in 2025

No need to hire a developer. It’s easy to use white-label app software to create an app without coding.

By Mighty Team

April 17, 2023

6 min read



    With 90% of the internet on mobile, and your customers or followers looking for a place to connect, a custom app isn’t really a perk anymore–it’s a necessity. An app can make your life easier, no matter what vertical you’re in. If you’re a creator, it can serve your audience better too–helping you to add more value to your followers.

    Even if you run a traditional business, an app can be a way to add more value and connection to your customers, to get your products in their pockets.

    You know the power of having your own app with your people wherever they go. People use apps:

    • When they wake up in the morning.

    • When they’re getting ready for work.

    • On their commute.

    • When they’re bored.

    • When they need answers.

    • When they want to share a challenge or a win.

    So if you’re ready to create an app without coding, in this article, we’ll walk through why you should absolutely do it. We’ll talk about why you should avoid custom development, why white-label apps are the future, and give you a few options you can use to get your own iPhone or Android app.

    If you want a deeper, more in-depth guide, you can read: The Ultimate Guide for How to Make Your Own App


    Why you should skip custom development

    Until recently, the only option you had for creating your own app was hiring a custom development firm. While it’s a better option than going back to school and getting a degree in Computer Science, there are three big problems with choosing custom development to create your own app:

    It’s expensive

    Custom app development, especially for creating your own mobile app, can cost anywhere from $500,000 to over $1 million dollars or more. And that’s for just ONE platform – either creating an iPhone app OR an Android one. Sadly, creating your own app on both platforms will double your budget.

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    Custom developers are in high demand, and trying to find a discount coder will cost you in the long run when it comes to quality.

    It takes a really long time

    When you are starting from scratch to create your own app, it’s time-consuming , especially if you aren’t doing the coding (someone still has to write the code, even if it’s not you).

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    When you choose custom development as your “no-code” option, it can take six months to take a year or even more to get something that’s usable. That’s a long time, especially if you’re waiting for your app to launch to recoup the high costs you put out to create it.

    It’s risky

    While the benefit of choosing custom development to create your own app is that you can define exactly what you want it to do (which is fun), if you haven’t created your own app before, there’s a lot of risk in getting a custom development firm to build one.

    There’s the risk that you build the wrong app, and then have no budget to continue to maintain and update it to ultimately create the right app.

    There’s also the risk that you trust the wrong firm, they build an app that’s buggy, doesn’t work as intended, or falls over on your launch day because it wasn’t designed to support the traffic you got.

    These are the realities of creating your own app using custom development today.

    Get your own app without coding.

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    How to create an app without coding

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    The simple solution for creating an app without coding is to use a white-label app solution. There are a lot of white-label solutions out there that will give you an amazing app without the headaches we talked about above.

    While it might seem counterintuitive at first, a white-label app builder is way more likely to give you a high-quality product.

    “Wait,” you might be saying. “Isn’t custom always best?”

    The truth is, many of the apps out there do a lot of the same things. That means that white-label app builders specialize in doing certain things again and again, as opposed to your custom developer who may have never built an app like the one you want before.

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    For example, when we build custom community apps, we’re drawing on the knowledge we’ve built from creating 12,000+ Mighty Networks. We know what works, we’ve researched it extensively, and we’ve not only built an awesome community engine, we also built in analytics to help you understand it better.

    It would be almost impossible to get this level of expertise from a custom builder–which is why white-label often leads to a better product.

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    The process is relatively simple too. We’ll walk you through it, but these are some of the things you can think about:

    • Adding your branding and visuals.

    • Choosing the features you need.

    • Filling the app with your content, online courses, and more.

    • Deciding if you are going to make it free or charge, and how you’ll monetize it.

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    4 platforms to create an app without coding

    1. Mighty Pro

    Best for communities, courses, and events

    Mighty Pro is an all-in-one community app builder that doesn’t require coding at all. Instead, you bring your brand to the white-label platform and we’ll take care of the app part. You’ll get a beautiful, responsive app for your brand that lives on both iOS and Android.

    The platform comes with a community built on our powerful cultural software, bringing together content, courses, community, and commerce. And our flexible Spaces mix in live streaming, live events, discussions, chat and messaging, and more! You can post content of all types including polls and native videos. You can also easily build and sell beautiful, immersive courses or events.

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    Mighty Pro gives you all you need to create an app without coding and get your brand literally into the hands of the people who need it. And we work with you from the beginning, checking in every month, helping you understand your metrics, and offering VIP support.

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    2. Appy Pie

    Best for local business

    If you’re a local business looking for a way to serve your community with an app, Appy Pie is a great option for creating an app without coding. It’s got a drag-and-drop feature that’s perfect for local businesses like restaurants, dentist offices, or plumbers, with everything you need to post menus online, book services or schedule appointments, or add a map feature so people can find your store.

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    3. Appian

    Best for large corporate operations

    Every app-builder has a different specialty, and Appian’s is easily building apps to fit the internal needs of large companies. From tracking a supply chain to planning a shutdown to managing inventory, Appian lets companies streamline their operations. With business applications to fit a bunch of different verticals, it’s a good option for companies that need an app for internal use.


    4. Quixy

    Best for “build-it-yourself” corporate needs

    Quixy is an app creator that works for many of the same things Appian does; internal corporate processes. It champions a process they call “citizen development,” meaning that you assign your employees to build the app.


    These employees are not developers, they are the ones who will use the app every day in their roles and can build the app they need. It’s a very different approach to app-building, and you’d have to agree with the philosophy as well as have the employee hours to put towards it, but Quixy presents an interesting option.

    Read More: 7 Best App Creation Software Options

    Ready to start?

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    If you’re ready to create an app without coding, there are lots of white-label options to work with. In fact, white-label apps have become so sophisticated that they’re the norm for app creation now. So instead of trying to hire a developer to build it, use this approach to get something you love!

    If you need courses, community, and/or events, come build with us! Schedule a call and we'll show you what we could build together.

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